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K Tuition- revision/exam tips for students!

Well, we have approached that time of year again- exam season. With the rush of one exam approaching after the next, it can become overwhelming. But fear not! I will be providing some useful tips in this blog for you to be able to make the most of exam season, and thrive as much as possible! Lets begin...

  1. Get your sleep!

Now this one is simple yet very important. Many students stay awake the night before their exam to cram in any last bit of knowledge they possibly can. However, this is a major risk, as you will be burning yourself out, thus making you tired while sitting your exam. You won't be able to give it your all if your body needs rest. An alternative solution could be to go to sleep as early as possible and set your alarm for an earlier time than usual. This way, not only have you had enough sleep, it is possible to go through any key points before the exam. So try your best to get a good nights sleep, in order for you to be fully alert and prepared!

2. Timing is everything- don't waste too much time on low mark questions.

Of course you should attempt to answer every question to the best of your ability. However, spending 5-10 minutes on a 1 mark question while most of the paper is still to be completed, could potentially be a huge waste of time. If you do not understand a question, move on, and come back to it when you have completed what you can. The best way around this is to practise doing exam questions at home, and time how long it takes for you to complete each question. Doing so enables you to be able to improve on your pace. Practise makes perfect!

3. Structure your high mark answers!

This applies to any subject: Maths, English, History, Science ect... If you are given a high mark question, you may experience what I call "writing vomit". This is when you write anything that comes to mind to obtain marks with no structure to the answer. In doing so, you could run the risk of your work being misunderstood, potentially causing the loss of vital marks. When you have a lot to write, I would suggest writing out quick subheadings first (even if it is on a separate piece of paper, for your own knowledge). This way, you are made aware of what you are going to write for each paragraph and you won't forget as it will have been written in front of you. For mathematical working out, number each step so that the examination board is made aware of where to look in order and you don't miss out on any marks.

4. Be sure to revise definitions.

When it comes to particular subjects, such as Science, learning key definitions are very important, for a number of reasons:

  • You could be asked to define certain key words in the exam

  • Understanding questions are made easier as you have more knowledge of scientific terms (this applies to any other subject too).

  • Marks are obtained through the use of correct terminology.

5. Last but not least, believe in yourself!

This may sound cliché, but success begins with mindset first. If you strongly believe that you are capable of achieving your goals, you will take every necessary step to do so. You haven't come this far to stop where you are. Keep going. You've got this! - K Tuition

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